Monday, July 11, 2011

Take Two: Sugar, Sugar, Sugar

Got a phone call this morning from Dr. M's and.... This Mommy passed her second attempt glucose test with "flying colors". All four blood test came back good and Mommy and Mason will be enjoying a big piece of Landon's birthday cake on Friday!

As for Mason, he reached his 28 week milestone today and could be born anytime in the next 8 to 12 weeks! :) We're really starting to get nervous in this house as the third trimester is in full swing and soon we will have a two year old! It's hard to believe Landon will be two. While part of me feels he is older, since he's so smart, I still can't believe it's been two years since our 8lb 2oz, not as little as we thought, baby boy was born.

Not much else going on here today. Landon said he wanted "fancy diapers" for his birthday so I'll be spending some time shopping around, but that's ok. Mommy can shop. :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Budgeting for Baby!

It's crazy to think how in just a few weeks our little family will be growing by two feet! We are so excited to have another boy, but realized quickly how much our expenses were going to increase drastically. Today we took a budgeting for baby class and found that while we don't spend the estimated amount on food for a family of four ($640!), we spend less, we'll still have lots of extra expenses in the coming months. Diapers for our family, with a toddler who refuses to potty train will mean $150 a month! So, we've turned to cloth diapering.
At first the thought of cloth diapering, while financially the best decision, seemed a bit overwhelming. However, the more we discussed it the more we discovered how we would need to learn to save us $1,000's. So, I met with a local cloth diaper seller and we began our cloth diapering journey. Of course, we receive mixed emotions about cloth diapering but have found no problems with our choice. Landon loves his "fancy diapers" as he likes to call them, and we are doing a pretty good job at mastering them in time for Mason! :) Financially we will spend $500 on diapers for the next 3+ years! Compared to the $150 a month, we are going to be saving a bunch. Plus, they are super cute!
Tomorrow this mommy has a 3 hour glucose test since, like Landon, we failed the first. We'll keep you all updated on the results, but definitely thinking positive! :)

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